Our Projects
Our projects serve as labs for developing, testing and scaling solutions against polarization with the largest possible impact
Active projects:
Polish Dialogues – finding common ground in Poland
Dialogue series on Europe and EU membership
Upcoming projects:
Of men and women – dialogues across gender divisions
Dialogue skills for students – pilot workshop project at high schools
Polish Dialogues: finding common ground in Poland
Our flagship project is the Polish Dialogue program. It consists of a nationwide online platform where citizens from across Poland can register to participate either in community dialogues on divisive topics or in workshops in good conversation to learn how to productively talk to people holding opposing views. The goal is to enable Poles to talk across divides and rebuild a space for democratic consensus after 8 years of highly divisive politics.
The Polish Dialogue targets the so-called silent majority–conservatives, liberals and moderates drowned out by radicalized public discourse. Through partnerships with conservative and liberal groups we are reaching people of various ideological backgrounds, age groups and socio-economic status who are interested in civic conversations, yet often hostage to polarizing perspectives and divisive language themselves.
So far we have delivered 57 dialogues for 700+ citizens, on topics including: immigration, abortion, climate change, rule of law, war in Ukraine, European integration, nationalism and many others. The dialogues produce immediate depolarization for participants and published output in the form of dialogue maps on each topic, indicating the common grounds and lines of division – a communication resource for NGOs working on the specific issues.
The Polish Dialogue program aims to promote the community dialogue format as an efficient tool to re-build democratic consensus wherever polarisation has broken it down: in local communities, city councils and groups of citizens across the country invested in a particular public issue. The program’s workshop series hands-on, applicable skills to overcome polarisation in day-to-day situations, both private and public, through behavioural civic learning.
The project is active and open to additional grant-makers and donors. Contact Joanna Matera (j.matera@fnw.prg.pl)
Poland Talks: 1000 Poles meet and talk across the aisle
In January 2024, in partnership with the Berlin-based NGO My Country Talks, we have launched a social media campaign aimed at matching more than 1000 Poles for one-on-one online conversations on topics of political and social dissent.
The project involved large-scale advertising on Facebook and Google, leafleting in select cities, a video clip and media appearances to inform and invite citizens to register for the conversations. Participants registered through a short form where they declared their views and were later matched by algorithm into pairs of people with the widest-possible ideological diversity. Onet, Poland’s largest news portal, partnered in the project. For more details see the impact report page below.
Dialogues on Europe and EU membership
Launched in January 2024, ahead of the 20th anniversary of Poland’s membership in the EU and upcoming elections to the European Parliament, this series of 6 dialogues covers the most-contentious topics related to Europe in Poland’s public debate. Citizens will talk about immigration, the Green Deal, climate policy, defence and enlargement. The project is funded by the European Commission, but the full responsibility for the dialogue questions and content lies with the NCF.
Project Leader: Joanna Matera (j.matera@fnw.org.pl)
Let’s talk – guide to difficult conversations
Building on our three-year experience in facilitating conversations across ideological divides we have developed an easy-to-read guide for regular citizens willing to talk across the aisle.
It covers all necessary steps, including chosing a conversation partner, deciding on a topic, active listening, managing one’s own anger at opposing views and expressing our thoughts in a non-confrontational manner. The guide has been publicised as part of the Poland Talks project and received media coverage, including morning television shows, radio and newspaper interviews.
Taking community dialogues to other countries
As part of our project with the National Endowment for Democracy we have produced a ready-to-use toolbox for NGOs in Central Europe willing to launch local versions of our dialogue program in their home countries.The toolbox features a 10 step guide which enables civic initiatives and small organisations to start a de-polarization effort within 2-3 months.
The toolbox was presented to 14 NGOs from Hungary, Romania, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Czechia and Albania at a webinar on 27 February 2024. All of its content is available free of charge for use by NGOs.
Project Leader: Joanna Matera (j.matera@fnw.org.pl)
Dialogue series on divisive topics ahead of general election
Launched in January 2023, the project has delivered 10 online de-polarization dialogues on highly divisive topics, related to identity, solidarity, democracy and security. Dissenting citizens from across Poland, conservatives and liberals alike, were invited to talk to each other, with the aim of regaining a sense of civic community at a time of a highly-divisive electoral campaign in 2023.
Funded by the National Endowment for Democracy, the project constituted the initial cycle of the Polish Dialogue program, a two-year effort to confront polarization and start social bridging in Poland. Designed and developed by the New Community Foundation, the nationwide program is open to partnerships with new donors and grant-makers–and to new themed series of dialogues.
Project Leader: Joanna Matera (j.matera@fnw.org.pl)
This project was successfully completed in February 2024.
Dialogues on Polish-Ukrainian relations
Initiated after the Russian aggression on Ukraine in February 2022, the project aimed to reduce Polish resentment toward Ukrainian refugees and prepare ground for their long-term integration into Polish society. The project consisted of 8 online de-polarization dialogues and 1 live dialogue, all on contentious topics resulting from Ukrainian immigration to Poland – including competition for jobs, and housing, disagreements over common history. Apart from the dialogues we have also delivered 8 online trainings in good conversation, where citizens were offered practical skills on how to talk with people holding opposing views.
Project Leader: Paulina Jeziorek (biuro@fnw.org.pl)
This project was successfully completed in June 2023.
Dialogues on climate and environment
Started in January 2023, the project consisted of 8 online and 2 live de-polarization dialogues on topics related to climate change. Aside from direct benefit for participants, the dialogues also produced an indirect output – we gauged how citizens position themselves on particular environmental issues in Poland, what drives them apart and what brings them together as they interact during the dialogue.
This actionable knowledge, including position mapping and descriptives of the mechanics of de-polarization, has been offered to local stakeholders who deal with climate and environment issues, so they can better understand the needs of their constituents and adjust their communication.
Additionally, 10 online trainings in good conversation have been delivered. This was the second grant awarded to the NCF by the European Climate Foundation.
Project Leader: Katarzyna Binda (k.binda@fnw.org.pl)
This project was successfully completed in December 2023.
More on our projects
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