Can Poles talk about divisive topics without quarreling? Poland Talks brings the answer – see our project results!
In January 2024 we invited people from all over Poland to join an experiment: talking online to a perfect stranger, holding opposing political views. The nationwide communication campaign involved a video spot, paid advertising, influencer support and cooperation with print and online media. The project was co-developed with our partner My Country Talks and financed by the Robert Bosch Foundation.
How participants were matched?
1122 people signed up to participate in Poland Talks. On registration, each participant has answered 8 questions on socially divisive topics – including abortion, social policy, immigration or the EU.
Based on the collected responses, we have matched people holding different views on the highest number of issues – this was done with an algorithm developed by My Country Talks.
Each participant received contact details of the matched counterpart and they arranged the conversations on their own – they were advised to meet online and provided with a cheatsheet on how to talk across the aisle.
1122 people
registered to participate in Poland Talks
90 minutes
average time spent in conversation by participants
Impact metrics:
of polled participants report satisfaction with their conversation
realized they have things in common with their conversation partners
are now less afraid of talking across ideological divides
have a better understanding of people holding opposing views
The data is sourced from a sample of participants who declared to have completed the conversations. For more details see full project report below
What participants are saying:
“I was very pleased, I was uplifted, inspired, grateful” – Agata
“The feeling that it is worth looking for what unites us has strengthened... I saw that we have a lot in common.” – Paula
“We kind of soften up, when we get to know what the other person's view is based on” – Justyna
Read the full Poland Talks report!
How did the conversations go?
What participants are saying?
What has changed for them?
What are the learnings for reducing polarization?
Check impact data and quotes from participant interviews in our detailed report here:

Poland Talks was delivered in cooperation with
Poland Talks was funded by the
Media partners
Campaign partners
Executive partners
Want to get in touch?
Feel free to use the form to the right or write directly to our general email: We respond within a day!