In 2023 we organized

10 dialogues

on major political topics

dividing Polish society.

400 citizens registered, 122 have participated

2023 election year dialogues

The goal of the project was to reduce polarization and showcase a different conversation on top political issues than the one imposed by the election campaign. The grant, funded by the Washington-based National Endowment for Democracy, also allowed us to launch the Polish Dialogue platform, where citizens can register for upcoming dialogues and review the results of previous ones.

Who participated?

We used a nationwide social media campaign to attract regular citizens from all over Poland – diverse in terms of gender, age, education, political views and place of residence. Initially, they had one thing in common: they all wanted to meet and talk with people holding opposing views. As they participated in our dialogues they discovered that they had much more in common.

What were the topics?

What was the impact?


of polled participants feel a greater sense of community with their conversation partners


have a better understanding of people with opposing views


feel more ready to talk to people who think differently


are more likely to cooperate with people with opposing views


declare a change in attitude – from a focus on persuasion to a desire for mutual understanding


report conscious application of the skills acquired during the dialogue in personal life

What is the output?

Dialogue maps

Each conversation was summarized in a dialogue map that reveals the lines of division and common ground on each of the 10 divisive topics. The maps serve as a resource for NGOs and government units to address polarization around these issues.

Recipes for good conversation

As citizens are asking for advice on how to handle conversations on polarizing issues, we have produced and disseminated simple recipes for good conversation, offering practical tips and guiding questions on each divisive dialogue topic.

What participants are saying:

Our partners

These non-partisan organizations helped us reach people with diverse views:

This project was funded by

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