Our Learnings

2023 election year dialogues – the results
122 citizens, representing different political camps, met in 10 online dialogues to discuss national identity, family policy, wall on the border to Belarus, EU-Poland relations

Poland Talks – the takeaways
1122 people from all over Poland registered for our experiment: having a conversation with a total stranger, holding different political views

Polarization: What does it really mean?
When democratic decision-making is no longer possible and efforts at community-building fail–this is how you know polarization is your problem

Dialogues: How do they work?
In a dialogue partipants holding opposing views can experience both ideological difference and personal proximity. Six breakthrough moments usually shape these exchanges

Community: The enemy of polarity
Community is the fabric of a living democracy. An invisible network, the sum of bonds people share beyond their private lives–this is what we would call a community

Election year dialogues 2023 – the takeaways
The purpose of the project was to map Polish voters’ polarization on the election issues and to showcase an alternative way of discussing political differences during a highly divisive campaign.

Poles – More polarized than Americans
Poland is the second most-divided nation in the EU–and the potential source of remedy to the systemic challenge of polarization

Talking to the Others – our video series
We have produced and released a series of five short videos, offering instructions how to bridge differences in personal and family settings

Dialogue vs. Debate – What’s the difference?
Debates are about winning and convincing people to change their minds. Dialogues are about accepting differences and learning to live with them