Online dialogue: Should Poland remain in the European Union?

In late November and early December 2020, ten male and female secondary school and university students from all over Poland spent two evenings talking to people of similar and also very different views. During the first meeting, the participants discussed whether Poland should remain in the European Union. During the second part of the dialogue, the topic of abortion law in Poland was also raised. After the meeting, they noted that they rarely had the opportunity to speak with the feeling that they would be listened to and then see for themselves what others had to say.

What is a ”community dialogue”?

Community dialogues are our way of working to reduce the polarization of public opinion. We organize them in various places in Poland, and as well as - due to the ongoing pandemic - online. We invite people to a meeting, we connect strangers and create conditions conducive to candid conversations. The goal of community dialogues is not compromise, but respecting differences and finding what unites us. Along the way, we look for a new way of having a national conversation in a divided Poland.

Partners of the project "What unites us":